A week of running with the Dukes by: Dan Day
Intro: The following blog is a compilation of summaries that take you through the week of a Dukes Track Club runner. Broken into four sections, this entry to the DTC Blog aims to highlight the different experiences and joys of joining each of these weekly group runs with the DTC Family. I hope it stokes the flame for new members to join as well as for the regulars to keep showing up and spreading the word of how great our running community is here in Albuquerque. Tuesday Evenings: High & Dry Brewing A weekly favorite for sure, this Tuesday run alleviates any remanence of the Sunday scaries or lingering malaise from a melancholy Monday. Tuesday evenings with the Dukes is definitely something to look forward to each week. Commencing at 6pm or 6:30pm, depending on the season, this evening meet up not only includes a lovely 4.20-5 mile loop around Johnson Field and back, but also friends, tacos, beers, and banter. Who doesn’t love a post run Taco Tuesday celebration? Al...